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Water Drops


Maverick Broderick

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About Maverick

Maverick my sweet boy. I will wonder what could have been until the day we meet again.


Maverick was a rescue we adopted at the beginning of college. Maverick had a lot of behavioral problems but to his people he was the fiercest cuddler there was. Maverick loved nothing more than chasing a stick into the water and would often swim until you went into the water and drug him home.

Maverick went to the rainbow bridge on December 23, 2020. 


To my favorite pupperoni:


You were the best dog ever for the 7.5 years that we were blessed to be your owners. You were proof that shelter dogs have endless amounts of love to give. There were good times, and bad times, but I’ll never forget you and how fiercely you loved us. You were there for me during some of the hardest periods in my life and the first dog Daniel and I ever had together. You moved with us to three cities, were the worlds cutest swimmer, helped show Goose the ropes as a puppy, were the worlds best running partner, a super laid back camping and hiking dog, my nightly cuddle buddy, had the cutest “flooper” ears (don’t ask), a world class guard dog, and one of the smartest pups I’ve met (I’ll never forget how he aced all levels of the AKC trick dog program in one sitting- it took Goose 6 months to do). I’ll forever cherish the memories I had with you and I hope you rest easy buddy.​​

Name Origin

Maverick Broderick

Maverick was the first dog that we ever owned as a couple. I had no clue what a proper registered name was- hence his AKC canine partners name just being Maverick Broderick. Maverick was actually the name he came with from the shelter and we loved it so much we kept it. We would continue to give our dogs Top Gun names for the next 2 canine additions to our family (Goose and Merlin). 

Health & General

Born 12/2/2012 (estimated)

Deceased 12/23/2020

Labrador Retriever x Doberman Pinscher x APBT

Neutered Male


AKC: MA59915801


8/26/2013: Gotcha Day!

6/22/2018: AKC Trick Dog Novice TKN

6/22/2018: AKC Trick Dog Intermediate TKI

6/22/2018: AKC Trick Dog Advanced TKA

6/22/2018: AKC Trick Dog Performer TKP




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